
Customer Testimonials

Total Notice LLC takes special care to understand the unique needs of each of our client Tax Collectors to design custom solutions that exceed expectations. Our attentive staff makes every effort to ensure you are 100% satisfied.

​We are proud to share these testimonials from our clients:

Town of Greenville

“I have been with Total Notice for at least 20 years.  Jack has done an outstanding job. Total Notice has helped the Tax Collectors immensely, always giving us opportunities that make our jobs easier and more accurate.  Total Notice is a trusted name in title research.” – Kathleen Valliere, CTC

Town of Jaffrey

“If you ever need a reference, I would be one of your many supporters.  The timeliness of your mortgage searches is wonderful.  The finished product is so professional and your response to questions and request for searches is quick.  Best wishes.” – Dawn Oswalt, CTC

Town of Amherst

“As one of Total Notice’s first clients dating back to 1988, we continue to benefit from the comprehensive services they provide to our community and to many others in Southern NH.  Jack’s personal attention to every detail and the timeliness of their research is imperative to a successful lien process.  Total Notice offers a consistently professional product and a service you can trust.” – Gail Stout, CTC